If you are scheduled for eyelid surgery, the following is what you may expect during the procedure:
Before eyelid surgery, the following steps should be followed:
1. Schedule your follow up office visit with your eye doctor for approximately one (1) week following your surgery.
2. The day of your surgery, be sure to take a shower and wash your hair.
3. Do not wear make-up to your surgery.
4. Arrange for someone to stay with you the first night after surgery.
After Eyelid Surgery
1. Be aware that anesthesia and other medications will be in your body for 24 hours making you feel sleepy.
2. Do not drive, make any important decisions, use any power tools, or drink alcoholic beverages for 24 hours after your surgery and while you are taking prescription pain relievers.
3. Drink plenty of liquids and resume a normal diet as tolerated unless otherwise instructed.
4. Activity restrictions are expected to be followed for one full week to improve your healing and outcome.
5. Do not bend from the waist, lift anything over five pounds, or exercise until approved by your doctor.
6. Do not rub your eyes. If experiencing itching or drainage, dab your eyes only.
7. Sleep on your back raised up on 2-3 pillows. Do not sleep on operated side.
8. Place an ice pack lightly on operative eye for 15 minutes out of every hour, only while you are awake. Continue using the ice pack for 72 hours (3 days) after surgery.
9. You have Steri-Strips (band-aid like pieces of tape) on your eyelids. Keep these dry. Do not apply ointment or remove! Your doctor will remove these on your next visit.
10. You may shower by placing a dry towel over the Steri-Strips.
11. You have a bolster! This is cotton/rubber band sewn to your lid. Do not remove. Your doctor will take it off.
12. See your doctor one (1) week after surgery.